Fomin, O.Lovska, A.Daki, O.Bohomia, V.Tymoshchuk, O.Prokopenko, P.2023-05-092023-05-092019Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Daki, O., Bohomia, V., Tymoshchuk, O., Prokopenko, P. (2019). The Substantiation Of The Concept Of Creating Containers With Viscous-Elastic Connections In Fitting. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, № 15, 2771-2776 article presents the results of the substantiation of the concept of creating new-generation containers with viscous-elastic connections in fitting. For this purpose, a mathematical modeling of the dynamic loading of containers placed on a flat wagon while maneuvering concussion was carried out. The optimal parameters of elastic-viscous bonding in fittings are determined, in which the value of the dynamic loading of the carrier structure of the container does not exceed the normalized value. The carried out researches will promote creation of new generation containers with improved techno-economic and ecological indicators.enThe Substantiation Of The Concept Of Creating Containers With Viscous-Elastic Connections In Fitting.Article