Gorbunov, M. I.Pistek, V.Kovtanets, M.Nozhenko, O.Kara, S.Kučera, P.2023-05-092023-05-092017Gorbunov, M., Pistek, V., Kovtanets, M., Nozhenko, O., Kara, S., Kučera, P. (2017). Research to improve traction and dynamic quality of locomotives. JVE International LTD. Vibroengineering Procedia, Vol. 13, 159-164.https://dspace.snu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/624The article reviews and analyzes available theoretical and experimental studies aimed at improving the tractive and dynamic characteristics of locomotives. Based on the information received, the authors formulated the following tasks of further research to increase and stabilize traction and coupling qualities of the locomotive.enResearch to improve traction and dynamic quality of locomotives