Волошин, С. В.Voloshyn, S. V.2025-01-112025-01-112019Волошин С. В. Патріотичне виховання учнів початкової школи засобами музейної педагогіки : автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук : 13.00.07 / СНУ ім. В. Даля. Київ, 2019. 23 с.https://dspace.snu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1681Дисертацію присвячено проблемі патріотичного виховання учнів початкової школи засобами музейної педагогіки, розкрито його теоретичні основи. Розроблено, науково обґрунтовано та перевірено методику реалізації організаційно-педагогічних умов патріотичного виховання учнів початкової школи засобами музейної педагогіки, яка відображає забезпечення на партнерських засадах діалогу з минулим, сприяє розширенню ціннісного простору молодших школярів, формує емоційне сприйняття, інтерес до навколишнього світу, народних традицій, духовно-матеріальної спадщини; розкриває діяльність і важливість музеїв, виховує комунікативну та музейну культуру; конкретизовано зміст поняття «патріотичне виховання учнів початкової школи засобами музейної педагогіки». У дослідженні уточнено компоненти патріотичної вихованості учнів початкової школи та показники рівнів сформованості патріотичної вихованості; розроблено й апробовано модель і експериментальну методику патріотичного виховання учнів початкової школи засобами музейної педагогіки, що охоплює підготовчий та організаційно-корекційний етапи.The dissertation deals with the isolation, substantiation and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions, organizational and methodical model of patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy. The theoretical and practical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature has been carried out on the research problem. The state of the research problem of the patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy, developed at the state-program, conceptual and practical levels is outlined. It is highlighted in a number of modern state documents and implemented during three stages. It is proved that junior school age is the most sensitive period for the education of positive personality traits in the light of formulating the basic concepts of patriotism of the child. Three types of patriotism (ethnic, territorial, state) are investigated in the process of analyzing the patriotic education as a pedagogical problem from a philosophical, political, pedagogical-psychological, sociological and ethical point of view. The hierarchy of values is given according to them. Its constitutional and ethno-national concepts are singled out. The notion of patriotic education with the notion of museum pedagogy as a scientific discipline is integrated at the junction of museology, pedagogy and psychology. It considers the museum as an educational system. Having applied the method of expert evaluation, the author’s definition of «patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy» is presented. It is considered as a process of forming the attachment of a child’s personality to the nation, a valued sense of belonging to motherland, awareness of the national identity of population in the light of usage of innovative forms, elements of pedagogical technologies of educational and interactive museum environment. The content and aim of patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy are researched. The criteria and indicators of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy are described. The author’s method of its diagnostics is grounded. A state of the research problem is analyzed according the practice of the modern elementary school. The pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the methodology of forming the patriotic education of pupils of primary school by means of museum pedagogy have been theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested. The process and results of research and experimental work (establishment, formation and control stages) have been analyzed. The organizational and methodical model of pupils of primary school by means of museum pedagogy are substantiated. It is determined the components, criteria and levels of formation of patriotic parenting. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of patriotic education of junior pupils by means of museum pedagogy were defined and experimentally tested for the first time; the model of patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy is scientifically substantiated. Methodology for implementing the organizational and pedagogical conditions of patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy are subsribed, scientifically substantiated and tested. It reflects the organization on a partnership basis to ensure dialogue with the past, promotes the expansion of the value space of junior pupils, forms an emotional perception, interest in the surrounding world, folk traditions, spiritual and material heritage; creates a positive impression of the activity and importance of museums, educates the communicative and museum culture. The content of the concept «patriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogy» is specificated; the components of patriotic education of pupils of elementary school, the criteria for evaluation and the levels of the patriotic education forming are highlighted. The ideas of the role of museum education in the process of education of pupils of elementary school is gaining the further development. The practical significance of obtained results is the creation of working program of educational course «Museum pedagogy in elementary school» for the students of the first (bachelor) degree of higher education of the specialty «Primary education», methodical recommendations for a special course «Museum pedagogy in elementary school» for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions, methodical recommendations «Patriotic education of pupils of elementary school» for primary school teachers, educators of pre-school institutions and museum workers according to the development of the museum’s pedagogical competence of the pedagogue and patriotic parenting formation of the students.ukпатріотичне вихованнямузейна педагогікаосвітня діяльністьпедагогічні умовимолодший шкільний вікpatriotic educationmuseum pedagogypatriotic education, museum pedagogy, educational activitypedagogical conditionsjunior school ageПатріотичне виховання учнів початкової школи засобами музейної педагогікиPatriotic education of pupils of elementary school by means of museum pedagogyThesis373.3.015.31:172.15:069.12(043.3)