Research of possibilities of reducing the driving resistance of a railway vehicle by means of the wheel construction improvement.

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The paper contains results of research of the driving resistance reducing of a railway vehicle by the modification of a railway wheel construction. The perspective railway wheel construction allows the possibility of the relative rotation of the guiding and supporting wheel surface. Based on current research of experts and specialists in the field of the railway transport and taking into account existing requirements and standards several technical solutions of such a wheel are developed. There are also presented results of stress and strain analyses of these technical solutions. Based on obtained data it is possible to conclude that proposed construction solutions meet requirements for the safety factor.




Mikhailov, E., Semenov, S., Dižo, J., Kravchenko, K. (2019). Research of possibilities of reducing the driving resistance of a railway vehicle by means of the wheel construction improvement. Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 40, 831-838