Вісник Східноукраїнського національного університету імені В. Даля
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ISSN 1998-7927 (друк)
Науковий журнал засновано у 1996 році.
Журнал входить до переліку спеціалізованих наукових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт для здобуття наукових ступенів доктора та кандидата наук з технічних та економічних наук відповідно:
Мова журналу: українська, англійська.
Офіційний сайт: https://journals.snu.edu.ua/index.php/VisnikSNU
Науковий журнал засновано у 1996 році.
Журнал входить до переліку спеціалізованих наукових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт для здобуття наукових ступенів доктора та кандидата наук з технічних та економічних наук відповідно:
з економічних наук (перереєстрація: Наказ МОН України №886 від 02.07.2020) за спеціальностями 051 - Економіка; 073 - Манаджмент; 075 - Маркетинг;
з технічних наук (перереєстрація: Накази МОН України № 886, №1188, №157 від 02.07.2020, 24.09.2020, 09.02.2021 відповідно) за спеціальностями 122 – Комп’ютерні науки; 131 – Прикладна механіка; 132 - Матеріалознавство; 133 – Галузеве машинобудування; 141 – Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка; 151 – Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології; 161 – Хімічні технології та інженерія;273 – Залізничний транспорт.
Мова журналу: українська, англійська.
Офіційний сайт: https://journals.snu.edu.ua/index.php/VisnikSNU
Browsing Вісник Східноукраїнського національного університету імені В. Даля by Author "Fomenko, D. V."
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Item Development of a Mechanism for Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Regional Enterprises(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2023) Klius, Y. I.; Fomenko, D. V.; Ivchenko, Y. A.; Клюс, Ю. І.; Фоменко, Д. В.; Івченко, Ю. А.The successful implementation of innovation strategies of regional enterprises is determined by the parameters of sustainability of the enterprise as a mini-system and the parameters of sustainability of macro-, meso- and microeconomic systems of which it is an element. The study of economic development trends that determine the possibilities of transition to an innovative model and the peculiarities of the regional innovation system has shown that in order to intensify innovation processes and increase the sustainability of innovation systems, it is necessary to create a mechanism for strategic management of sustainable development of regional enterprises. In an unstable environment, it should be based on the principles of self-organization of complex systems in the process of their adaptation to the changes taking place. First of all, the principle of dynamic equilibrium, a prerequisite for compliance with which is the performance of the main functions in the innovation system by different subjects of innovation activity, which change at the stages of the innovation process. The range of research on strategic management of regional development is quite extensive, but given the current economic situation, the consequences of the pandemic and martial law, this issue needs to be given even more attention, because most regions of Ukraine are unstable and economically unprofitable, so it is necessary to consider special levers, directions that will help to strategically effectively manage regional enterprises and ensure their economic security. The methodological basis of the article is a set of methods and principles of scientific knowledge, general and special methods and techniques used in the study. The theoretical basis of the study is the scientific works of foreign and domestic scholars on sustainable development, economic security, and innovation. The information base is based on official statistics, reporting and accounting information of enterprises, resources and publications of the Internet, and the results of the author's own research. A mechanism for strategic management of sustainable development of regional enterprises has been formed, which includes a system of resources, methods and tools for influencing innovation processes and is based on the principles of selforganization of complex systems in the process of their adaptation to changes in an unstable environment and ensuring economic security, which will allow to coordinate the goals and directions of management of investment, operational and financial activities of enterprises in the region to ensure its sustainable development.Item Problems of Forming Competitive Regional Innovation Systems(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Serikova, O. M.; Syvochka, V. V.; Fomenko, D. V.; Серікова, О. М.; Сивочка, В. В.; Фоменко, Д. В.The creation of conditions for the development of integrated research, education and business complexes will be possible through the interaction of political, regulatory, economic, social and cultural factors. Political conditions are determined at the state level. At the same time, the integration of education, science and innovative business has faced some problems, in particular, related to governance. Therefore, the main task at present is to ensure real integration in these sectors in order to ensure innovative transformations not only in the economy but also in society as a whole, and the ministry should restructure the management of these areas to adequately meet this task. For example, the project to modernize universities envisages that they should become a place where people are trained to perceive innovative ideas, to be formed into specialists in a new way, and to be the driving force behind innovative development. It has also become clear that it is necessary to move from training specialists in mass professions to training specialists capable of ensuring the operation of modernized enterprises and enterprises that use innovative technologies aimed at producing innovative products. The vocational education system has already begun to restructure in this direction, with resource centers emerging that bring together primary, secondary, and higher vocational education institutions to build a chain of training for all levels of personnel focused on advanced manufacturing. At the present stage, the problems of integrated formation and development of science and education are being solved, but the mechanism of systemic influence through the creation of integrated regional research and education complexes - research (leading) universities of a new type - is not used. The experience of implementing integration processes of academic and university science and production shows that the development of a specific model and its organizational and legal formalization require resolving the issues of identifying the lead organization and coexecutors, which will determine the type of integration model, scientific, educational, social, environmental and other problems to be solved. In this case, it is important to choose the organizational and legal form of interaction between the structures formed as part of the new entity, the distribution of responsibilities of all participants in addressing issues of staffing, inventory and equipment, financing for each participant through an interconnected system of legal documents and regulations, reporting, etc.Item The Role of the Innovation Ecosystem as a Tool for Innovation Development.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Fomenko, D. V.; Nizhnikov, О. M.; Pimenov, V. S.; Фоменко, Д. В.; Ніжніков, О. М.; Піменоа, В. С.The development of various industrial sectors is one of the priority tasks of the state, the solution of which is to improve the quality and life expectancy of the population. According to the authors of the article, an innovation ecosystem should be understood as an open dynamic system that provides collaborative forms of interaction between actors, taking into account the non-hierarchical relationships that have developed within the institutional ecosystem of enterprises, regions, and countries acting in the direction of sustainable advanced innovative development based on modern technological concepts. Modern innovation ecosystems are created and function to overcome individual limitations, maximise resource use, and distribute risks and costs to better achieve common goals. This approach differs from the traditional ones in that it takes into account the current level of economic development, taking into account the processes of digital transformation of all spheres of activity and provides an integrated approach to the formation of an innovation ecosystem. The article concludes that industry is currently developing as a traditional innovation system. The analysis of different views and main approaches to understanding innovation ecosystems allowed to identify the advantages of ecosystems in comparison with traditional innovation systems and to justify the need to develop industry as an innovation ecosystem. A more detailed study was carried out on the basis of market data for various types of equipment. These conclusions were confirmed when analysing the prerequisites for the formation of an innovation ecosystem based on the results of the analysis of the current state of the equipment market. A number of systemic problems can be identified that are common to all stages of production and circulation of various products: limited financial resources of manufacturers for development (research and development, sales and promotion of products); scientific and technological lagging behind the level of world leaders; difficulty in commercialising developments. These problems have a complex impact on the development of the industry as a whole and its individual product segments. Eliminating these constraints will help create favourable conditions for the machinery market and unlock its potential.