Вісник Східноукраїнського національного університету імені В. Даля
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ISSN 1998-7927 (друк)
Науковий журнал засновано у 1996 році.
Журнал входить до переліку спеціалізованих наукових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт для здобуття наукових ступенів доктора та кандидата наук з технічних та економічних наук відповідно:
Мова журналу: українська, англійська.
Офіційний сайт: https://journals.snu.edu.ua/index.php/VisnikSNU
Науковий журнал засновано у 1996 році.
Журнал входить до переліку спеціалізованих наукових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт для здобуття наукових ступенів доктора та кандидата наук з технічних та економічних наук відповідно:
з економічних наук (перереєстрація: Наказ МОН України №886 від 02.07.2020) за спеціальностями 051 - Економіка; 073 - Манаджмент; 075 - Маркетинг;
з технічних наук (перереєстрація: Накази МОН України № 886, №1188, №157 від 02.07.2020, 24.09.2020, 09.02.2021 відповідно) за спеціальностями 122 – Комп’ютерні науки; 131 – Прикладна механіка; 132 - Матеріалознавство; 133 – Галузеве машинобудування; 141 – Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка; 151 – Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології; 161 – Хімічні технології та інженерія;273 – Залізничний транспорт.
Мова журналу: українська, англійська.
Офіційний сайт: https://journals.snu.edu.ua/index.php/VisnikSNU
Browsing Вісник Східноукраїнського національного університету імені В. Даля by Title
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Item 2D-моделювання при багатоваріантних розрахунках магнітної індукції в матрицях поліградієнтних електромагнітних сепараторів(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Романченко, Ю. А.; Romanchenko, J. A.У статті обґрунтувано застосування 2D-моделювання при багатоваріантних розрахункахмагнітної індукції в матрицях поліградієнтнихелектромагнітних сепараторів. Показано, щовикористання двовимірних моделей базується напевних припущеннях щодо граничних умов тахарактеру розподілу магнітного поля в робочихпроміжках, не потребуючи значних обчислювальнихресурсів та часу розрахунку. Представленокомбінований підхід до проведеннябагатоваріантних розрахунків магнітної індукції вробочій зоні електромагнітного сепаратора,заснований на використанні переваг скінченно-елементного аналізу як у двовимірній, так й утривимірній постановці. Для визначення векторногомагнітного потенціалу на границях двовимірнихрозрахункових областей проведені дослідженняпросторового розподілу магнітного поля в робочихпроміжках матриці сепаратора. Для цього шляхомвипадкової вибірки обрано три варіантисепаратора, які відрізняються геометричнимипараметрами поліградієнтних матриць. Длямоделей з вибірки повітряний проміжок змінюєтьсяв достатньо широкому діапазоні. Інші вихідні даніпри моделюванні для трьох варіантів лишалисьнезмінними. Побудовані тривимірні комп’ютернімоделі та отримані числові значення векторногомагнітного потенціалу на границях розрахунковихобластей. Здійснено 2D-моделювання розрахунковихмоделей трьох варіантів з прийнятими граничнимиумовами. Порівняно результати розрахунку значеньмагнітної індукції, що отримані, відповідно, при 2D-та 3D-моделюванні, результати порівнянняпредставлено у вигляді таблиць та графіків.Знайдено відносну похибку розрахунку магнітногополя для трьох варіантів. Показано, що отриманіпри 3D-моделюванні значення векторногомагнітного потенціалу для прийнятих трьохваріантів електромагнітних систем, можуть бутивикористані для аналізу, обробки та обчисленьмагнітної індукції при 2D-моделюванні.Верифіковано обчислення магнітної індукції при 2D-моделюванні, що дозволило зменшити часовівитрати, пов’язані з 3D-моделюванням, тапідвищити, таким чином, обчислювальнуефективність розрахунків в цілому.Item Analysis and Systematisation of the Influence of Risks on the Innovation and Investment Activities of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Post-Conflict Transformation.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Ivchenko, Yu. A.; Івченко, Ю. А.Despite the fact that the situation in Ukraine's economy remains challenging, as the economic environment does not create reliable preconditions for economic growth, economic and social problems continue to persist, deepen and exacerbate. The country's economy is currently characterized by a pronounced raw materialbased economy with an underdeveloped manufacturing industry. Ensuring qualitative transformational changes in the economy is not possible without consistent capital accumulation of enterprises on a simple and expanded basis. The tools used by domestic enterprises (traditional instruments and methods) to manage innovation and investment activities are imperfect, as they do not allow timely identification and forecasting of possible risks, accurate assessment of the decline in innovation and investment potential and economic sustainability of enterprises. Identification of the cause and effect relationships of crisis phenomena ensures the implementation of the anti-crisis management mechanism in a transformational economy. For successful innovation and investment activities of an enterprise in the context of post-conflict transformation, a qualitative analysis and systematization of the impact of risks is necessary. The aim of the article is to analyze and systematize the impact of risks on the innovation and investment activity of enterprise in the context of post-conflict transformation. To achieve this goal, all types of risks of innovation and investment activity were systematized according to certain features and depicted schematically. The article analyses approaches to risk definition, investment risks, innovation risks, specific risks, innovation risks according to the subject of innovation, and risks of entrepreneurial activity. It is noted that the analysis of risk impact contributes to the further development of the theory of riskology. It is concluded that systematization of the impact of risks on the innovation and investment activities of enterprise in the context of post-conflict transformation is necessary to formalize the risk management processes at enterprises. The author notes that in the context of military conflict and post-conflict transformations, new types of risks may arise, so this issue requires further research.Item Analysis of the Current State and Main Trends in the Formation of the Waste Management System(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Manuhina, M. Y.; Tatsii, I. V.; Манухіна, М. Ю.; Тацій, І. В.The scale and significance of the waste problem intheUkrainian economy is associated both with thedomination ofresource-The scale and significance of thewaste problem in the economy of Ukraine is related bothto the dominance of resource-intensive technologies andthe lack of an effective waste management policy formany years. Significant volumes of accumulated waste,an increase in the number of unauthorized landfills andoverloaded landfills that do not meet environmentalsafety standards; low regulation of the issue of wastemanagement at the legislative level; the lack of aneffective waste management system and effectivemeasures aimed at preventing the generation, recycling,recovery and disposal of waste are the main factors thatnegatively affect the environmental safety of our country.Environmental assessment methods and the level of detailof accounting and analytical information on wasterequire improvement. The article examines the dynamicsof waste formation in Ukraine, the current situation ofwaste growth is worsened by the military aggression ofthe Russian Federation against Ukraine. The maindirections of the National Waste Management Strategyare considered. The necessity of forming an effectiveinformation system at the stage of implementation of thewaste management process at each enterprise, which hasboth national and regional significance, is substantiated.The need for the formation of reliable data by enterprisesof various forms of ownership for the formation oftransparent and objective information about waste inorder to implement a five-level hierarchy of wastemanagement, which is based on recovery and rationalconsumption of resources, uses economic approaches tominimize the negative impact on the environment, isemphasized. waste-free production and achieving thegoals of sustainable development. The need to regulatethe concepts of "waste" and "irreversible waste" inregulatory acts has been proven. The method ofaccounting for standard and non-standard nonreturnablewaste at the enterprise has been clarified.Thestudy notes that the formation of an effective wastemanagement system is one of the key tools for authoritiesto implement the basic principles of waste legislation atboth the national and regional levels.Item Application of an Innovative Approach to the Organization of the Educational Process in Higher Education and Training of Applicants 073 and 281 Specialties in the Conditions of Distance Education(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2023) Chorna, O. Y.; Lishchyshyna, A. V.; Чорна, О. Ю.; Ліщишина, А. В.The study proved and substantiated the importance of innovative approaches and digitalization in the organization of the educational process of higher education. It has been found that the introduction of innovative approaches is a strategically key factor for achieving a high level of quality and efficiency of educational services. In particular, innovative technologies and digitalization allow universities to adapt to modern requirements and create flexible and accessible learning environments. During the study, an analysis of differences in the interpretation of the concepts of «threat» and «risk» was conducted. In particular, it is determined that in education threats and risks can include not only financial difficulties, but also loss of reputation, low quality of education and insufficient competitiveness of graduates. It identifies the main range of problematic issues, sets of innovative approaches in higher education and highlights the principles and stages of diagnosis, which should take into account the specifics of the educational environment and the requirements of the modern labor market for its qualitative assessment. In order to test the research, the article assesses and analyzes the introduction of innovative approaches in the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University for the training of applicants 073 and 281 in the field of distance education. The strategic goals chosen to accelerate the digitalization process have been singled out and justified, considering the high standards of quality and the needs of the modern educational environment. The introduction of a digital student card, the creation of a digital educational environment and an increase in the level of digital literacy of students and teaching staff are key areas of the strategy of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. In addition, innovative approaches have been developed, such as partnerships with technology companies, the creation of electronic libraries and archives aimed at supporting research activities and quality education in distance learning. It provides a SWOT analysis of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University which highlights the main strengths and weaknesses of its functioning, as well as identifies the opportunities and threats faced by the university today in the most difficult conditions of existence. The conducted analysis allows us to draw conclusions and determine the prospects for further research in this direction. In general, the study emphasizes the importance of innovation and digitalization in education as strategic factors contributing to improving the quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of educational institutions in the modern world. The obtained results help to determine the optimal way to achieve the set goals, and their certification with certificates testifies to the importance and effectiveness of the chosen direction of innovative activity at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University in the face of high requirements for remote educational process.Item Axonometric Transformations of a Complex Drawing.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2023) Karpyuk, L. V.; Davydenko, N. O.; Gezevi Abdalhaleh Goma Ahmed; Карпюк, Л. В.; Давіденко, Н. O.; Гезеві Аб- далхалех Гома АхмедWhen drawing up technical drawings, it is sometimes necessary to have visual representations along with images of objects in the orthogonal projection system. For such images, the method of axonometric projection is used (axonometry is a Greek word, literally translated as measurement along the axes; axon means axis, metreo means measuring). The essence of the axonometric projection method: an object, together with the axes of rectangular coordinates to which it is assigned in space, is projected onto a certain plane so that none of its coordinate axes is projected onto it at a point. In this case, the object itself is projected onto this projection plane in three dimensions. In this case, the dimensions of the object in axonometric projections along all three axes are distorted. The change in linear dimensions along the axes is characterized by the distortion indices (coefficients) along the axes. The distortion index is the ratio of the length of a segment on the axonometric axis to the length of the same segment on the corresponding axis of the rectangular coordinate system in space. The purpose of this paper is to construct an axonometric projection of a circle located in the plane of general position using classical methods of descriptive geometry methods of transforming a complex drawing. Axonometry stands alone in descriptive geometry, which is due to the theoretical multitude of approaches in which the coordinate system is a model of geometric space. Certain difficulties in mastering axonometry are related not only to this but also to its insufficient methodological support. Thus, in the definition of axonometric projection, the standards do not contain key phrases about the orientation of the object and the associated coordinate system relative to the projection direction, which should not be parallel to any coordinate axis. There is no clarity about axonometric planes, their location relative to the main planes in rectangular projection. The article describes a method for constructing an axonometric projection of a circle located in the plane of general position relative to the planes formed by axonometric axes. An example of constructing an ellipse a projection of a circle for a projecting plane is given, which can be extended to the conditions of the plane of general position without fundamental changes. The proposed article can be recommended for students who study descriptive geometry and engineering graphics courses in depth, and can also be useful for young teachers as a supportive material in working with students.Item Aдаптивна система управління електроприводом самооборотної медогонки.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2022) Логунов, О. М.; Logunov, O. M.Розглянуто сучасний стан типових засобів автоматизації пасік в Україні, показані вимоги до медогонок в цілому та до систем управління їх електроприводом зокрема. Розглянуто декілька існуючих систем керування електроприводом медогонки. Показані їх типові недоліки: використання ненадійних електромеханічних реле, обмежена кількість програм, відсутність систем контролю швидкості обертання барабана та зворотного зв'язку. Розглянуто конструкцію медогонки. Надано диференціальне рівняння руху колекторного двигуна постійного струму. Наведено вираз, що зв’язує момент інерції ротора медогонки та масу меду в стільниках. Запропоновано спосіб моніторингу процесу відкачування меду за допомогою датчика зворотного зв’язку. Наведено вираз для обчислення моменту інерції, порівняння якого з виміряним моментом інерції дасть сигнал про помилку в систему управління. Зазначено, що вимірювання моменту інерції дозволяє визначити початкову кількість меду в рамці і вибрати оптимальні моменти реверсу каруселі, авикористання адаптивного алгоритму керування дозволить налаштувати тривалість горизонтальних відрізків на графіку кутової швидкості ротору медогонки та визначити оптимальні моменти реверсування ротора для кожної партії стільників. Отримано графік максимально допустимої частоти обертання каруселі хордіальної медогонки в залежності від маси меду в рамках. Наведено порівняльний графік кутової швидкості обертання барабана відцентрової медогонки з оборотними касетами для випадків з використанням стандартної програми відкачування рамок та з адаптивним керуванням процесом відкачування. Запропоновано метод визначення поточної швидкості відкачування, що дозволяє підвищити ефективність контролю відкачки меду та скоротити час обробки стільникових рамок без втрати якості. Запропоновано використання платформи Arduinoв якості елементної бази для побудови системи управління. Запропоновано використання датчика Холла для отримання сигналу зворотного зв’язку. Визначено напрями подальших досліджень – визначеня коефіцієнтів ПІД-регулятора та визначення оптимальної для даного етапу відкачки швидкості обертання на основі зміни моменту інерції барабана.Item Building Integrated Management Systems: Achieving Synergy and Sustainability in Modern Organizations(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Stovpnyk, O. V.; Стовпник, О. В.In today's competitive global marketplace, the quest for efficiency, sustainability, and quality is at the forefront of organizational management. The implementation of international management standards—such as ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 14001 for environmental management, and ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety—has become widespread across industries. However, these systems are often implemented separately, which can lead to inefficiencies and resource redundancy. An Integrated Management System (IMS) offers a strategic solution by consolidating these disparate systems into a unified framework, providing organizations with a comprehensive, cohesive approach to management. This paper explores the evolution of management systems and the growing need for integration in response to globalization, increased competition, and stakeholder demands. By combining the principles of quality management, environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and occupational safety into a single system, organizations can streamline their operations, improve resource allocation, and enhance overall performance. This approach allows organizations to not only meet regulatory requirements but also achieve a synergistic effect, where the whole system performs better than the sum of its individual parts. Two primary models for integrating management systems are discussed: the additive model and the comprehensive integrated model. The additive model involves the stepby- step incorporation of additional systems into an existing framework, typically beginning with ISO 9001 for quality management and gradually adding systems like ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. This modular approach allows for flexibility and is easier to implement for organizations with existing quality management systems. However, the additive model can sometimes result in systems that operate in parallel rather than truly integrated. The comprehensive integrated model, on the other hand, is designed from the outset as a unified system. This approach ensures that all components are interrelated and work together seamlessly, minimizing duplication of processes and promoting better alignment of organizational goals. The integrated model fosters greater synergy and reduces the administrative burden associated with managing multiple systems independently. The paper also highlights the importance of adopting a structured approach to integration based on the Deming PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, which is central to ISO management standards. The PDCA cycle provides a framework for continuous improvement, enabling organizations to adapt and refine their management systems over time. Through effective leadership and stakeholder engagement, organizations can achieve not only compliance with international standards but also significant improvements in operational efficiency and long-term sustainability. The benefits of integrated management systems are numerous: they reduce duplication, optimize resource use, and improve communication and coordination across departments. Moreover, an IMS enables organizations to respond more effectively to external challenges, such as changing regulations, customer demands, and environmental concerns. The paper concludes by advocating for the widespread adoption of integrated management systems, emphasizing that their success depends on both the structural framework and the active involvement of management and staff. As organizations continue to face complex, interconnected challenges, the integration of management systems is a crucial strategy for enhancing competitiveness, sustainability, and long-term organizational resilience. The future of organizational success lies in the ability to harmonize different management approaches into a single, efficient system that supports continuous improvement and adaptability in an ever-changing global environment.Item CAD – системи та принципи наочності при вивченні технічних дисциплін(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2022) Карпюк, Л. В.; Давіденко, Н. О.; Karpyuk, L. V.; Davydenko, N. O.У статті розглядаються питання та проблеми графічного навчання студентів, з якими вони зустрічаються під час вивчення технічних дисциплін. У сучасних умовах в технічних вишах необхідний новий якісний підхід до графічної підготовки студентів різних рівнів навчання. До підготовки фахівців машинобудівної галузі висуваються підвищені вимоги. Реалізація цих вимог за умовами системи традиційної освіти пов'язані з певними труднощами. Впровадження інформаційних технологій (у тому числі 3D моделювання) в навчання дозволяє досить швидко розробляти та пропонувати студентам різноманіття варіантів індивідуальних завдань за великою кількістю тем з урахуванням рівня початкової геометричної, графічної та комп'ютерної підготовленості студентів. Рівень складності індивідуальних завдань повинен бути таким, щоб викликати у студента потребу до початку роботи на комп'ютері проаналізувати та оптимізувати окремі етапи вирішення поставленого завдання. Також у статті показана важливість використання дидактичного принципу наочності щодо графічних дисциплін, представлено класифікацію засобів наочності. Розглянуто теоретико-методичні аспекти більш повного застосування дидактичних можливостей наочних засобів навчання як нереалізованого потенціалу у справі вдосконалення викладання графічних дисциплін, оволодіння методикою їх раціонального використання. Проблеми, що стосуються наочності щодо графічних дисциплін були актуальні завжди, оскільки нарисна геометрія, інженерна графіка і комп'ютерна графіка вивчають форму, розміри та взаємне розташування різних предметів у просторі. Особливості проектування виробів машинобудування вимагають якісної підготовки фахівців, які володіють сучасними інформаційними технологіями. У статті також розглядаються методи організації навчального процесу з використанням комп'ютерних технологій та обґрунтовується необхідність застосування CAD – систем з метою підвищення наочності та якості при вивченні графічних дисциплін у підготовці фахівців технічних вузів. Принцип роботи сучасних CAD-систем заснований на застосуванні однакових прийомів створення 3-х вимірних моделей та отримання креслеників. Це дає можливість організувати навчання студентів на базі одного пакета, і при цьому небезпідставно вважати, що вони зможуть працювати з іншими аналогічними пакетами. Роль сучасних систем автоматизованого проектування активно зростає, тому важливо використовувати САПР у навчальному процесі майбутніх бакалаврів з механічної інженерії. В першу чергу це стосується аналізу на основі CAD-систем, які разом з класичними дисциплінами забезпечують більш наочне, глибоке та якісне засвоєння навчального матеріалу студентами. Крім того, всебічні знання, здобуті на основі САПР, дозволяють перемагати у конкурентній боротьбі на ринку праці. CAD-модулі знайшли широке використання для 2D- та 3D-моделювання.Item Controlling Measures for the Company’s Sustainable Development Strategy Implementation.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2022) Klius, Y. I.; Vodyanyk, R. V.; Striuk, O. S.; Клюс, Ю. І.; Водяник, Р. В.; Стрюк, О. С.Innovative activity contributes to the achievement of dynamic and static stability of industrial enterprise development. Strategic planning in the field of innovation is the main element of sustainable development, increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise in market conditions. In our opinion, the concept of "sustainable development" should include not only a dynamic, but also a static component (according to one of the proposed principles). Basically, sustainable development is perceived as development that allows obtaining various benefits (ecological, economic, social, prospective) both in the present and in the future; that is, a kind of system that is constantly replenished. We certainly agree with this approach. However, the second (static) component is often not taken into account, which is an unacceptable oversight, since not only the principle of reproduction is important in sustainable development, but also the principle of balanced development of the enterprise as a system, that is, the principle of balanced development of its elements. In the modern conditions of economic development, there are many effective ways and methods of forming development strategies: analytical, research-experimental, forecasting methods, economic, socialpsychological, administrative, etc. The most promising methods, in our opinion, are portfolio methods (based on the construction of matrices), intuitive methods (especially relevant in conditions of lack of information), program-target methods and methods of mathematical modeling. As noted, the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise on an innovative basis is achieved by balancing the state of the ecological, social and economic system in the present and its development in the future. Therefore, the company should conduct an adapted SWOT analysis in view of these areas. The process of monitoring the implementation of the company's sustainable development strategy consists of three main stages: evaluation of the company's work; comparing the quality of his work with existing standards; corrective processes invested in ensuring the implementation of the intended. It should not be forgotten that the listed stages are the most general components of the entire process of organizational control. More specific types of organizational control (for example, output control, inventory control, strategy implementation control, and quality control) are based on these stages, but they have correspondingly more specific requirements.Item Developing Ukrainian Enterprises Using Neural Networks(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Pohorelova, K. А.; Pogorelov, Y. S.; Погорелова, К. А.; Погорелов, Ю. С.The article explores the features of using neural networks for the development of Ukrainian enterprises. It examines the theoretical foundations of neural networks, their history, types, and examples of application in various industries. Special attention is given to analyzing the factors influencing enterprise development, such as technological innovations, economic conditions, organizational changes, competition level, and market conditions. It is shown that technological progress is a key factor in the development of enterprises in the modern world. The current state of development of Ukrainian enterprises is investigated in the context of adapting to new economic conditions, particularly during the war. The war in Ukraine significantly affects the economy, including the business sector. Internal challenges include political instability, economic reforms, workforce shortages due to mobilization, power outages, and the need for modernization of production facilities. External factors include global competition, the influence of international markets, and economic sanctions. Despite the challenging conditions, Ukrainian enterprises have growth opportunities through the implementation of the latest technologies, such as neural networks. The main challenges and opportunities for Ukrainian business are analyzed, and the directions for using neural networks for enterprise development are proposed for each development factor, considering the specifics of business operations in Ukraine. Specific examples of successful implementation of neural networks in the banking sector (PrivatBank), IT companies (SoftServe), and the agro-industrial complex (MHP) are provided. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using neural networks, such as increased efficiency, forecasting accuracy, service personalization, risk reduction, and challenges related to high costs, integration complexity, lack of qualified personnel, and data quality dependency. The prospects for enterprise development using neural networks are considered: productivity improvement, product and service quality enhancement, efficient resource management, risk reduction, innovative development, market adaptation, and resilience support. It is proven that the use of neural networks has significant potential for transforming enterprises, making them more efficient, flexible, and innovative.Item Development of a Laboratory Unit and a Solid Fuel Gasification Reactor(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Slobodyanyuk, V. Р.; Shlapak, S. О.; Tselishchev, O. В.; Kudryavtsev, S. О.; Loriia, M. G.; Duryshev, O. A.; Слободянюк, В. П.; Шлапак, С. О.; Целіщев, О. Б.; Кудрявцев, С. О.; Лорія, М. Г.; Дурищев, О. А.The paper investigates the process of gasification of pyrolysis coal and other coal-containing materials A schematic diagram of the installation of the gasification process of pyrolysis coal and other coalcontaining materials was developed, the design of the reactor for coal gasification and the methodology for conducting experiments and analysing the gasification process of pyrolysis coal and other coal-containing materials were developed. Research methods - modelling of the coal gasification process using the results of theoretical studies. A detailed analysis of the experimental and theoretical data concerning the feasibility of the pyrolysis coal gasification process was carried out, a schematic diagram of the laboratory installation and the design of the gasification reactor were developed. The main goal is to develop a method of gasification of solid pulverised fuel that will simplify the process control and ensure its stability due to the unity of the drying and gasification processes of pyrolysis coal, which are linked by means of a gasification reactor. Additionally, this method provides for the neutralisation of harmful impurities generated during the coal gasification process. As a result of theoretical studies of the solid fuel gasification process, a design of a coal gasification reactor was proposed, which is an ideal displacement reactor. The length-diameter ratio for the working part of the reactor should be at least 10:1. It is proposed to use a heat-resistant molybdenum steel tube (operating temperature up to 1600 0C) with a diameter of two inches to manufacture the reactor. Also, to study the gasification process of pyrolysis coal and other coal-containing materials, a laboratory installation for gasification of solid crushed fuel is proposed, in which a gas mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen is fed into the reactor and serves as an activator of the gasification process. The prospects of coal processing by gasification to produce a mixture of combustible gases (H2, CO, CH4) are investigated. It is analysed that coal gasification allows obtaining valuable gas that can be used not only as an energy fuel, but also as a technological raw material for the production of methanol, dimethyl ether, hydrogen production, and use as a reducing agent in metallurgical processes.Item Development of a Mechanism for Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Regional Enterprises(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2023) Klius, Y. I.; Fomenko, D. V.; Ivchenko, Y. A.; Клюс, Ю. І.; Фоменко, Д. В.; Івченко, Ю. А.The successful implementation of innovation strategies of regional enterprises is determined by the parameters of sustainability of the enterprise as a mini-system and the parameters of sustainability of macro-, meso- and microeconomic systems of which it is an element. The study of economic development trends that determine the possibilities of transition to an innovative model and the peculiarities of the regional innovation system has shown that in order to intensify innovation processes and increase the sustainability of innovation systems, it is necessary to create a mechanism for strategic management of sustainable development of regional enterprises. In an unstable environment, it should be based on the principles of self-organization of complex systems in the process of their adaptation to the changes taking place. First of all, the principle of dynamic equilibrium, a prerequisite for compliance with which is the performance of the main functions in the innovation system by different subjects of innovation activity, which change at the stages of the innovation process. The range of research on strategic management of regional development is quite extensive, but given the current economic situation, the consequences of the pandemic and martial law, this issue needs to be given even more attention, because most regions of Ukraine are unstable and economically unprofitable, so it is necessary to consider special levers, directions that will help to strategically effectively manage regional enterprises and ensure their economic security. The methodological basis of the article is a set of methods and principles of scientific knowledge, general and special methods and techniques used in the study. The theoretical basis of the study is the scientific works of foreign and domestic scholars on sustainable development, economic security, and innovation. The information base is based on official statistics, reporting and accounting information of enterprises, resources and publications of the Internet, and the results of the author's own research. A mechanism for strategic management of sustainable development of regional enterprises has been formed, which includes a system of resources, methods and tools for influencing innovation processes and is based on the principles of selforganization of complex systems in the process of their adaptation to changes in an unstable environment and ensuring economic security, which will allow to coordinate the goals and directions of management of investment, operational and financial activities of enterprises in the region to ensure its sustainable development.Item Electric drive with frequency-regulated synchronous motor with high precision digital sensors(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Rudniev, Y. S.; Romanchenko, J. A.; Brozhko, R. M.; Руднєв, Є. С.; Романченко, Ю. А.; Брожко, Р. М.The article studies an electric drive with a frequencyregulated synchronous motor. The main advantages of synchronous motors in comparison with asynchronous ones are listed. The current state and the growth trends in the production of AC electric drives are considered. It is shown that two-link frequency converters have received the greatest application for wide-range regulation of rotation frequency of synchronous motors. They convert the electricity from supply network into electricity with the required voltage, current and frequency in two stages. This transformation is carried out by special devices – autonomous inverters. It has been established that the efficiency of a two-link frequency converter is quite high and about 96,5-98,5%, which is due to the efficiency of the power semiconductor devices used in the key operating mode. Modern trends in the use of voltage and current inverters are considered. It is shown that the use of new semiconductor devices made it possible to fundamentally change the topology of the power circuit and the principles of inverter control. The approach of most manufacturers to the topology of autonomous inverters in frequency converters is considered. The most advanced structures (matrix and hybrid) of AC converters, which are produced by modern industry, are considered. Based on the analysis, it is set that high-precision, reliable and noise-resistant digital sensors are widely used in DC and AC electric drive systems – absolute and incremental encoders, as well as optoelectric attached sensors for registering distances, angles of rotation or the number of turns – resolvers. They are used together with numerical control systems, drives and position determination devices. The power supply circuit for synchronous electric motors of the main drive of the rolling stand of a thick plate mill 3000 based on ALPSA VDM 7000 converters from ALSTOM (Converteam) is considered. The main task of control system of the converter network part is to regulate the voltage of the DC link. The block diagram of the control system for the rectifier and inverter parts of the VD 7000 converters is given .Item Ensuring the Competitiveness of Regional Enterprises on an Innovative Basis.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2023) Klius, Y. I.; Syvochka, V. V.; Клюс, Ю. І.; Сивочка, В. В.National and regional innovation systems are being formed in Ukraine. In the era of global transformations, innovations become the main factor in increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises of the region in order to ensure its competitiveness. The solution to this problem requires a comprehensive analysis and rethinking of existing approaches, the creation of theoretical foundations for ensuring the effective development of industrial enterprises in the region. The activity of corporate structures in creating new innovations and effective communications for their transfer becomes a factor of economic development, increasing the competitiveness of the region. The cost of modern products is determined not only by the costs of material production, but also by research and development works, which, in turn, can be an innovative component of the development of industrial enterprises. The use of innovations makes it possible to increase not only the efficiency of individual components of the corporate structure, but also, if proper attention is paid to integration processes, of the entire corporate management system. This determines the increased interest of society, in particular scientists and practitioners, in the ways of effective formation of the corporate innovation management system of an industrial enterprise. The following tools can be used to stimulate the modernization of industry in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region on the basis of innovations: the formation of the sales market for competitive products and services using mechanisms that regulate the purchase of domestic science-intensive products for state needs; stimulation of investments in the modernization of industry based on innovations by improving the mechanisms of partial financing of large innovative projects by the state and private business; motivation of enterprises to adopt innovations on the basis of incentives for domestic enterprises to purchase modern technologies created by Ukrainian developers; stimulation of industrial reform processes; creation of corporate structures that unite the spheres of production and scientific and technical activity. Among them are state centers of science and high technologies. Further development of the country's national innovation system should be aimed, first of all, at ensuring the system integration of all its elements and their effective interaction.Item Enterprise Innovation and Investment Activities Risks Systematisation in the Context of Post-Conflict Transformations.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2023) Ivchenko, Yu. A.; Івченко, Ю. А.The article analyses types of risks that are typical for domestic business entities. It improves classification of innovation and investment risks of an enterprise by means of expansion of classification features. Domestic enterprises are constantly solving the problem of identifying, assessing and managing business risks, which is even more important in the context of post-conflict transformations. Therefore, the problem of identifying and systematising the risks of innovation and investment activities of enterprises in the context of post-conflict transformations is relevant and requires scientific substantiation. The risks of innovation and investment activities should be considered not in the historical dimension, but in the context of their minimisation in the future. When implementing innovation and investment activities, which are unpredictable in themselves, it is simply not possible to consider risk "as a result", because innovations have no analogues and it is impossible to extrapolate the experience of other projects. iIf risk is the possibility of deviation from a certain value, then such a possibility can be assessed using relative scores, the deviation can be determined by direction (positive, negative, zero), and the risk itself can be characterised by type. Based on the results of a qualitative risk analysis, an enterprise should assess the risks and determine a set of organisational decisions to manage them (types of management decisions to minimise their possible impact). The allocation of the proposed feature "Risks of postconflict transformations" allows to take into account new types of risks that arise in the socio-political and economic environment in the new economic conditions and relate to: the crisis state of the economy, demographic changes in the job market, social attitudes, the state and quality of the information space, infrastructure support, the level of innovation and investment, energy, transport, consulting, engineering and other types of activities, etc. Possible methods for assessing various types of risks of innovation and investment activities of enterprises are outlined. In general, the author's proposals can be used to formalise approaches to assessment of innovation and investment risks.Item Modeling of the Electric Drive of the Main Motion of the Rolling Cage As a Multi-Mass Electromechanical System.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2021) Shevchenko, I. S.; Rudniev, Y. S.; Romanchenko, J. A.; Шевченко, І. С.; Руднєв, Є. С.; Романченко, Ю. А.The model of rolling stand of a thick-plate rolling mill 3000 has been designed in the work in order to determine the oscillations frequencies that occur during operation, the effect of their amplitude on the dynamic deviations of the speed of the working body from the specified one. Presented results of the research dynamic to rolling cage 3000 at presentation her as seven masses electromechanic system. Shown influence clearance in mechanical issue on dynamic of the mechanism. The research by the method of mathematical modeling in the design and operation of mechanical equipment is substantiated. The design diagram of mechanical part of the electromechanical system is presented. Using the simulation results it was confirmed that the influence of internal viscous friction in shafting on the oscillation damping is not significant in relation to the damping properties of electric drive. Therefore, in the first approximation, it can be ignored. The electric drive of the rolling stand was considered as a TP-D system with speed and current regulators at their standard settings to the modular optimum. To reduce the magnitude of the elastic moments in the kinematic chain of the stand the armature current intensity generator in the electric drive is used. Simulation of the processes was carried out in Simulink of the MATLAB package. The stand model is designed according to design scheme and reflects the branching into two channels with their combination through an elastic element – the material that is rolled. Based on real geometry and taking into account the properties of material the stiffness of shafts of mechanical transmissions were calculated. The model was set to a rolling program with a variable speed – in order to compensate the thickness difference, which corresponds to modern technological trends. Comparing the simulation results, it was found that the presence of a gap provokes the appearance of self-oscillations, the damping of which in a real mechanical system will occur due to damping properties of the shafts. The damping of oscillations takes place due to the damping properties of the electric drive. The appearance of a gap in the spindles leads to an increase in the system vibration frequency (70-80 Hz).Item Object Adaptation of Drag and Drop Technology for Web-System Interface Components(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2021) Ратов, Д. В.; Ratov, D. V.Today, in the development of information systems, cloud technologies are often used for remote computing and data processing. There are web technologies, and on their basis, libraries and frameworks have been developed for creating web applications and user interfaces designed for the operation of information systems in browsers. Ready-made JavaScript libraries have been developed to add drag and drop functionality to a web application. However, in some situations, the library may not be available, or there may be overhead or dependencies that the project does not need to use it. In such situations, an alternative solution provides the functionality of APIs available in modern browsers. The article discusses the current state of the methods of the Drag and Drop mechanism and proposes a programmatic way to improve the interface by creating a class for dragging and dropping elements when organizing work in multi-user information web systems. Drag and Drop is a convenient way to improve the interface. Grabbing an element with the mouse and moving it visually simplifies many operations: from copying and moving documents, as in file managers, to placing orders in online store services. The HTML drag and drop API uses the DOM event model to retrieve information about a dragged element and update that element after the drag. Using JavaScript event handlers, it is possible to turn any element of the web system into a drag-and-drop element or drop target. To solve this problem, a JavaScript object was developed with methods that allow you to create a copy of any object and handle all events of this object aimed at organizing the Drag and Drop mechanism. Basic algorithm of Drag and Drop technology based on processing mouse events. The software implementation is considered and the results of the practical use of object adaptation of the Drag and Drop technology for the interface components of the web system - the medical information system MedSystem, in which the application modules have the implementation of the dispatcher and the interactive window interface are presented. In the "Outpatient clinic" module, the Drag and Drop mechanism is used when working with the "Appointment sheet". In the "Hospital" module of the MedSystem medical information system, the Drag and Drop mechanism is used in the "List of doctor's appointments". The results of using object adaptation of Drag and Drop technology have shown that this mechanism organically fits into existing technologies for building web applications and has sufficient potential to facilitate and automate work in multi-user information systems and web services.Item Problems of Forming Competitive Regional Innovation Systems(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Serikova, O. M.; Syvochka, V. V.; Fomenko, D. V.; Серікова, О. М.; Сивочка, В. В.; Фоменко, Д. В.The creation of conditions for the development of integrated research, education and business complexes will be possible through the interaction of political, regulatory, economic, social and cultural factors. Political conditions are determined at the state level. At the same time, the integration of education, science and innovative business has faced some problems, in particular, related to governance. Therefore, the main task at present is to ensure real integration in these sectors in order to ensure innovative transformations not only in the economy but also in society as a whole, and the ministry should restructure the management of these areas to adequately meet this task. For example, the project to modernize universities envisages that they should become a place where people are trained to perceive innovative ideas, to be formed into specialists in a new way, and to be the driving force behind innovative development. It has also become clear that it is necessary to move from training specialists in mass professions to training specialists capable of ensuring the operation of modernized enterprises and enterprises that use innovative technologies aimed at producing innovative products. The vocational education system has already begun to restructure in this direction, with resource centers emerging that bring together primary, secondary, and higher vocational education institutions to build a chain of training for all levels of personnel focused on advanced manufacturing. At the present stage, the problems of integrated formation and development of science and education are being solved, but the mechanism of systemic influence through the creation of integrated regional research and education complexes - research (leading) universities of a new type - is not used. The experience of implementing integration processes of academic and university science and production shows that the development of a specific model and its organizational and legal formalization require resolving the issues of identifying the lead organization and coexecutors, which will determine the type of integration model, scientific, educational, social, environmental and other problems to be solved. In this case, it is important to choose the organizational and legal form of interaction between the structures formed as part of the new entity, the distribution of responsibilities of all participants in addressing issues of staffing, inventory and equipment, financing for each participant through an interconnected system of legal documents and regulations, reporting, etc.Item Some Aspects of State Support of Innovation Processes in the Region(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2024) Klius Y. I., Fomenko D. V., Shi Guangming; Klius Y. I., Fomenko D. V., Shi Guangming; Klius Y. I., Fomenko D. V., Shi Guangming; Клюс Ю.І., Фоменко Д.В., Ши Гуамін; Клюс Ю.І., Фоменко Д.В., Ши Гуамін; Клюс Ю.І., Фоменко Д.В., Ши ГуамінThe development of innovative activity of economic entities is one of the main objectives of the state policy. State instruments for support and development of innovation activity should provide support at all stages of the innovation life cycle, from idea generation to successful commercialisation of innovative products, and the maximum effect will be achieved only taking into account the integration of all participants of the innovation process - from scientists and entrepreneursinnovators to venture funds and innovative enterprises. The innovation economy, based on scientific knowledge and intellectual potential, is able to ensure the expanded reproduction of knowledge-intensive gross product of both the region and the country as a whole. The development of innovation processes is impossible without the generation of new ideas, knowledge, project initiation at the initial stages of the innovation cycle, and without the use of venture capital investments at the final stages. This problem is most difficult to solve in the regions, due to significant differences in their socioeconomic development, level of competence of scientific schools, sectoral specifics, level of concentration of industrial potential, including due to insufficient justification of the directions of further development of regions - innovation leaders. In order to support subprocesses related to resource provision, regional authorities can, on the basis of budgetary resources, form innovation infrastructure institutions, such as: business incubators, business accelerators, seed funds, technoparks, etc.; finance various innovation projects; invest in the development of human and intellectual capital - in education, for training personnel in innovation management, breakthrough scientific technologies, in the part of personnel training of the highest level. At the same time, we need a promising model of longterm innovation development, which implies a gradual transition from state to market-based instruments of development and support of innovation activity, including innovation infrastructure functioning on market conditions.Item Spatial thinking of students when studying graphic disciplines.(СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2022) Karpyuk, L. V.; Davydenko, N. O.; Карпюк, Л. В.; Давіденко, Н. О.У статті розглядаються проблеми, які виникають у студентів при вивченні графічних дисциплін. В даний час найважливішою задачею перед вищими і середніми спеціальними закладами є завдання подальшого підвищення якості професійної підготовки студентів. Це передбачає широкопрофільну підготовку майбутніх фахівців та комплексний характер оволодіння сучасними теоретичними та прикладними знаннями, уміння застосовувати отримані знання на практиці, володіння необхідними навичками у суміжній галузі. Фахівець із вищою освітою, але без знань та навичок отримувати та обробляти графічну інформацію, може виявитися некомпетентним у професійній діяльності. Підготовленість студентів до графічної діяльності визначається комплексом набутих ними у процесі навчання знань, умінь репродуктивної та творчої діяльності, які у майбутньому визначають їх успішну професійну діяльність. Майбутній інженер повинен мати високий рівень загального і технічного інтелекту, добре розвинене просторове мислення, мати високий рівень теоретичних знань у сфері професійної діяльності. У системі підготовки фахівців інженерних спеціальностей одне з основних місць займають навчальні дисципліни «Інженерна графіка» та «Нарисна геометрія». Вони сприяють розвитку у майбутнього інженера просторового уявлення, логічного та конструктивного мислення, здібностей до аналізу та синтезу. Добре розвинене просторове уявлення та уява є необхідними умовами успішного засвоєння багатьох навчальних дисциплін. А дисципліни «Нарисна геометрія» та «Інженерна графіка» своїм змістом висувають високі вимоги до рівня розвитку просторових уявлень. У статті розкрито причини слабкого розвитку просторових уявлень у студентів першого курсу вузів. Пропонується використовувати як один із шляхів успішного розвитку просторових уявлень при вивченні графічних дисциплін розроблений підхід, що включає завдання, методи, способи та систему вправ, завдань і тестів. Кожна група вправ цієї системи спрямована на свідому та активну роботу студентів і вирішує певне завдання, що випливає з теоретичних основ розвитку просторових уявлень.