ДН-02-19 «Фундаментальні основи створення адекватно-спрямованого напружено-деформованого стану мультифункціональних модулів вагоноконструкцій з можливостями перспективного широкого машинобудівного застосування»

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    Concept of freight wagons made of round pipes.
    (2020) Fomin, O.; Lovska, A.
    The purpose of the book is to highlight the results and features of the research carried out by the authors on the dynamics and strength of the main types of freight wagons, as well as tank containers made of round pipes under the main operating conditions of loading. Theoretical provisions, methodological foundations and practical solutions for the implementation of round pipes as bearing elements of bodies of the main types of wagons and tank containers are presented. The monograph is intended for scientific and technical specialists, whose activities are related to the design and research of the mechanics of structures of railway wagons, including scientists, designers, researchers, doctoral students and graduate students. Also, the results presented in the monograph may be of interest to specialists, whose activities are related to the design of tank containers. The monograph can be used as a teaching aid for undergraduates and bachelors of relevant specialties
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    Аналіз причин виникнення аварій на залізничних коліях та способи підвищення рівня безпеки.
    (2020) Фомін, О. В., Горбунов, М. І., Мурашова, Н. Г., Швець, А. О., Сова С. С.; Фомін, О. В., Горбунов, М. І., Мурашова, Н. Г., Швець, А. О., Сова С. С.; Фомін, О. В., Горбунов, М. І., Мурашова, Н. Г., Швець, А. О., Сова С. С.; Фомін, О. В., Горбунов, М. І., Мурашова, Н. Г., Швець, А. О., Сова С. С.; Фомін, О. В., Горбунов, М. І., Мурашова, Н. Г., Швець, А. О., Сова С. С.
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    Вплив повздовжньо-динамічних навантажень на міцність гальмової важільної передачі візка вагона, обладнаного новим концептом упряжного пристрою.
    (2020) Фомін, О. В.; Ловська, А. О.; Горбунов М. І.
    Досліджено повздовжню навантаженість вантажного поїзда, обладнаного новими концептами упряжного пристрою. Встановлено, що використання концепту упряжного пристрою дозволяє знизити повздовжню навантаженість поїзда майже на 30% у порівнянні з типовою схемою взаємодії локомотива з вагонами. Проведено розрахунок на міцність гальмової важільної передачі вантажного вагона, обладнаного новим концептом упряжного пристрою. При цьому максимальні еквівалентні напруження в елементах гальмової важільної передачі нижчі майже на 35% у порівнянні з типовою схемою Проведені дослідження сприятимуть створенню інноваційних конструкцій рухомого складу з покращеними техніко-економічними та динамічними показниками.
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    Способ оценки показателей качества движения легковесных пустых вагонов.
    (2020) Фомин, А. В.; Прокопенко, П. Н.; Горбунов, Н. И.; Сова, С. С.; Фомін, О. В.; Прокопенко, П. М.; Горбунов, М. І.
    Безпека руху є найважливішою вимогою до роботи залізниць. Серед аварій на залізничному транспорті найбільшу небезпеку становить схід з рейок, це може призвести до тяжких наслідків. За результатами аналізу встановлено, що наслідками сходу є серйозні пошкодження рухомого складу, залізничних колій та інших елементів інфраструктури залізниці, зниження швидкості і порушення графіка руху поїздів. Істотним недоліком роботи залізничного транспорту є обмеження швидкості руху поїздів з легковажними вантажними вагонами в порожньому стані, обладнаних візками моделі 18-100. У числі причин сходу коліс вагонів з рейок, пов’язаних з несправностями ходової частини вагонів, можна назвати такі: злам бічних рам і надресорна балок візків, злам осей і коліс, несправності роликових підшипників буксового вузла, знос елементів фрикційних гасителів коливань і вузла обпирання кузова на надресорні балки, неприпустимі відхилення розмірів візків. Також важливою причиною є негативне зменшення тари вагона більш ніж на 10% від встановленої заводом виробником. Зазначені несправності, зокрема, пов’язані з руйнуваннями елементів ходової частини, безпосередньо призводять до сходу вагонів. Однак, деякі з них прямо не викликають сход, але є причинами розвитку динамічних процесів, які викликають підвищену силову взаємодію рухомого складу.
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    Теоретичні аспекти визначення залишкового ресурсу вагона-цистерни для небезпечних вантажів.
    (2020) Кельріх, М. Б., Фомін, О. В., Прокопенко, П. М., Сова, С. С.; Кельріх, М. Б., Фомін, О. В., Прокопенко, П. М., Сова, С. С.; Кельріх, М. Б., Фомін, О. В., Прокопенко, П. М., Сова, С. С.; Кельріх, М. Б., Фомін, О. В., Прокопенко, П. М., Сова, С. С.
    В статті виконаний детальний аналіз сучасного стану експлуатаційного парку залізничних вагонів-цистерн для транспортування небезпечних вантажів залізницями України. Аналіз показує, що залізничні вагони-цистерни для перевезення небезпечних вантажі значною мірою ви- черпали свій ресурс. Технічний стан вагонів-цистерн після проведення планових видів ремонту свідчить про те, що більша їх частина знаходиться в справному технічному стані. З метою продовження безпечної експлуатації з терміном служби, що вичерпаний виконується технічне діагностування і випробування вагонів-цистерн.
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    Establishing patterns in the dynamic loading on the body of a semi­wagon with an elastic middle part of the girder beam.
    (2020) Fomin, O.; Lovska, A.; Medvediev, I.; Shatkovska, H.
    To reduce the dynamic loading and prolong the service life of a semi-wagon's girder beam by improving its fatigue strength, it has been proposed to improve its design. A special feature of the girder beam is that its middle part (the distance between the rear supports of auto-couplings) consists of a U-shaped profile, covered with a horizontal sheet above which an I-beam is located. Elastic elements are placed between the horizontal part of the U-shaped profile's shelf and the sheet. Mathematical modeling was performed to substantiate the proposed technical solution. A mathematical model has been constructed describing the fluctuations of the bouncing wagon. It has been established that the maximum vertical acceleration of the body is about 1.8 m/s2 (0.18 g), and of the bogie ‒ about 9.0 m/s2 (0.9 g). Based on our calculations, we can conclude that a wagon's movement is assessed as "excellent". In this case, the use of the girder beam with elastic links makes it possible to reduce the dynamic load on a wagon, in comparison with the prototype, by almost 35 %. The main indicators of the strength of the improved load-bearing structure of a wagon have been determined. The maximum equivalent strains occur, in this case, in the upper horizontal sheet of the girder beam, and are 136.0 MPa, which are lower, by 20 %, than those of the prototype wagon. The results of the modal analysis of the load-bearing structure of a semi-wagon taking into consideration the improvement measures have demonstrated that their natural frequencies of oscillations are within the permissible limits. Our research could help reduce the dynamic loading on the load-bearing structures of wagons in operation, as well as design the innovative structures of rolling stock
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    Determining the dynamic loading and strength of the bearing structure of a covered wagon when firing from it.
    (2020) Fomin, O.; Lovska, A.; Kudelya, V.; Smyrnova, I.
    The bearing structure of a covered rail wagon has been improved to enable firing from it at motion. The covered wagon of model 11–217 was chosen as a prototype. To enable firing in the vertical plane, it has been proposed to use a sliding roof, which consists of shutters that move by means of a pneumatic or hydraulic drive. To accommodate military equipment inside the covered wagon, its frame is equipped with supporting sectors. Mathematical modeling was performed in order to determine the dynamic load on a covered rail wagon when firing from it. The mathematical model was solved in the Mathcad software package. We have established the dependence of the accelerations of the bearing structure of a covered rail wagon on the recoil force induced by the combat equipment that it hosts. It has been found that in order to maintain the dynamics indicators within acceptable limits, combat equipment should have a maximum recoil at a shot of about 3.2 kN. The maximum accelerations that act on the bearing structure of a covered wagon in a vertical plane are about 6 m/s2. In the zones of interaction between the body and bogies, the maximum accelerations are about 9.5 m/s2 and the accelerations of bogies are 10 m/s2. To reduce the dynamic load on the bearing structure of a covered rail wagon, it has been proposed to use a viscous connection between the supporting sectors and frame. We have determined the dependence of accelerations on the coefficient of viscous resistance between the supporting sectors and the bearing structure of a wagon. It has been established that taking into consideration the use of a viscous connection between the supporting sectors and frame makes it possible to reduce the dynamic load on a wagon at least by 15 %. The basic indicators of strength for the bearing structure of a covered rail wagon when firing from it have been determined. We have derived the dependence of the maximum equivalent stresses in the bearing structure of a covered wagon on the recoil force of combat equipment. The maximum equivalent stresses at a recoil force of 3.2 kN arise in the console part of the girder of a covered wagon and are about 300 MPa. The maximum displacements were registered in the area where the front stops of the auto-coupling are arranged; they are equal to 2.9 mm. The maximum deformations amounted to 6.98∙10-3. Modal analysis of the bearing structures of a covered rail wagon has been carried out. It has been determined that the values of the oscillation natural frequencies are within the permissible limits. Our study will contribute to the construction of innovative rolling stock for the transportation of military equipment and for firing at motion
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    Determination of the regularities of the covered wagon supporting structure dynamic loading when conducting fire from it in the horizontal plane.
    (2021) Fomin, O.; Lovska, A.; Gerlici, J.; Fomina, Yu.; Fedosov-Nikonov, D.; Prokopenko, P.
    A study of the supporting structure dynamic loading of a covered wagon for the military equipment transportation and for firing has been carried out. A mathematical model has been drawn for this purpose, taking into account the vertical and angular displacements relative to the longitudinal axis (side rolling) of the wagon supporting structure when firing. Accelerations as the components of the dynamic load acting on the wagon supporting structure have been determined. It was found that the accelerations acting on the wagon supporting structure in the vertical plane were about 6.0 m/s2 (0.6 g). In the horizontal plane, the accelerations were 2.6 m/s2 (0.26 g). That is, the wagon movement can be assessed as “satisfactory”. To reduce the wagon dynamic loading during the conduct of fire, it is proposed to install elastic vibration dampers under the support sectors. In this case, the horizontal acceleration was about 2 m/s2 (0.2 g). Taking into account the proposed technical solutions, the wagon dynamic load is reduced by about 25% in comparison with the case of the rigid interaction of the sector with the frame. The strength analysis of the covered wagon bearing structure has been carried out. It was found that the maximum equivalent stresses are concentrated in the area of the front stops and are about 315 MPa. The conducted research will contribute to the creation of recommendations for the design of covered wagons for the military equipment transport and for firing, as well as to increase the efficiency of the railway transport operation..
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    Determination of residual resource of flat wagons load-bearing structures with a 25-year service life.
    (2020) Fomin, O.; Vatulia, G.; Horbunov, M.; Lovska, A.; Píštěk, V.; Kučera P.
    The article determines the residual resource of flat wagons load-bearing structures with a 25-year service life. For this purpose, field studies of the technical condition of the loadbearing structures of flat wagons based on the wagon depot of the Foundation of the Southern Railway branch of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” were carried out. The flat wagon of model 13-401 was chosen as the subject. It is established that the design service life of the load-bearing structures of the studied flat wagons, taking into account the extension of their operation is not less than 18 years. The strength of the load-bearing structure of the flat wagon in the environment of SolidWorks Simulation (CosmosWorks) software by the finite element method is calculated. It is established that the maximum equivalent stresses occur in the zone of interaction of the spine beam with the pivot be equal to 337.5 MPa. Therefore, the strength of the load-bearing structure of the flat wagons is provided. The estimation of the course of the flat wagons is determined. The research was carried out in the vertical plane during the movement of the butt rail track. The calculation was performed in the MathCad software environment by the Runge- Kutta method. The assessment of the wagon is "excellent". The conducted researches will promote increase of efficiency of combined transportations in the international communication and strengthening of foreign economic positions of Ukraine in the market of transport services.
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    Effective Mistuning Identification Method of Integrated Bladed Discs of Marine Engine Turbochargers.
    (2020) Píštěk, V.; Kučera, P.; Fomin, O.; Lovska, A.
    Radial turbine and compressor wheels form essential cornerstones of modern internal combustion engines in terms of economy, e ciency and, in particular, environmental compatibility. As a result of the introduction of exhaust gas turbochargers in the extremely important global market for diesel engines, higher engine e ciencies are possible, which in turn reduce fuel consumption. The associated reduced exhaust emissions can answer questions that results from environmentally relevant aspects of the engine development. In shipping, the international Maritime Organisation (IMO) prescribes the step-by-step reduction of nitrogen oxide and other types of emissions. To reduce these emissions, various systems are being developed, in which turbochargers are an important part. The requirements for the reliability and service life of turbochargers are constantly increasing. Turbocharger blade vibration is one of the most important problems to be solved when designing the rotors. In the case of real rotors, so-called mistuning arises, which is a slight deviation of the properties of the individual blades from the design parameters. The article deals with an e ective method of mistuning identification for cases of integrated bladed discs of marine engine turbochargers. Unlike approaches that use costly scanning laser Doppler vibrometers, this method is based on using only a simple laser vibrometer in combination with a computational model of the integrated bladed disc. The added value of this method is, in particular, a significant reduction in the cost of laboratory equipment and a reduction in the time required to obtain the results.
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    Research of stability of containers in the combined trains during transportation by railroad ferry.
    (2020) Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Pistek, V., Kucera, P.; Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Pistek, V., Kucera, P.; Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Pistek, V., Kucera, P.; Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Pistek, V., Kucera, P.
    The article presents results of computational modelling of containers dynamic load during transportation as a part of trains of intermodal transport on a railway ferry. The computational models were developed which account the movement of the container with regard to the frame of the flat wagon while moving of the railway ferry. It was assumed that there is no movement of the flat wagon with regard to the deck, since these movements were limited by fastening means. Attention was also paid to the movement of liquid bulk cargo in the boiler when studied the dynamic load of the tank container. The obtained acceleration rates, as components of the dynamic loads acting on the container, were accounted while determining the containers stability coefficient with regard to the flat wagons. The railway ferry heeling angles which ensure the stability of the containers were determined. The researches will ensure safety of transportation of containers as a part of trains of intermodal transport on a railway ferry, as well as increase the efficiency of operation of intermodal transport in the international transport.
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    A New Fastener To Ensure The Reliability Of A Passenger Car Body On A Train Ferry.
    (2020) Lovska, A.; Fomin, O.
    To ensure the strength of the passenger car bodies during transportation on train ferries, it is proposed to mount fastening elements of chain binders on the body bolster beams. The principle of such an element is based on the hydraulic damper operation. The mathematic modelling was conducted in order to determine the dynamic loading on a passenger car body during sea transportation. The study established that the improvements mentioned made it possible to reduce the dynamic loading on the body during sea transportation by 30% in a comparison with that of a typical fastening scheme. The strength of an improved passenger car body was calculated. The maximum equivalent stresses in the body structure accounted for about 120MPa, i.e., they did not exceed the admissible values. The conducted research may contribute to ensuring the required strength of passenger car bodies during train ferry transportation, thus leading to a higher operational efficiency of train ferry transportation within the international transportation.
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    Dynamic Load and Strength Determination of Carrying Structure of Wagons Transported by Ferries.
    (2020) Lovska, A.; Fomin, O.; Píštěk, V.; Kučera, P.
    A rapid development of economic relations between states has required an introduction of combined rail/ferry transportation. A feature of this type of transportation is the possibility of wagons traveling by sea on specially equipped ships—railway ferries. However, the transportation of wagons by sea is accompanied by damage to their structures. This follows from the fact that the wagons are not adapted to this type of transportation. In addition, the design of wagons does not consider the loads that can act on them during transportation by sea. In this connection, it is important to study the dynamic loading and strength of wagons during their transportation by sea. The current work investigated into dynamic load on the carrying structure of wagons transported by ferries using mathematical and computer modelling and defined accelerations on the wagon body. The adequacy of the models was checked with an F-test. The results of strength calculation for the carrying structure of a wagon made it possible to conclude that a typical fixation diagram does not provide the admissible range of strength parameters. The current work proposed an improved fixation diagram for cars on the deck with the viscous binder. The solution was substantiated by the results of the mathematical modelling of dynamic forces, strength, and stability of the carrying structure of a wagon on the deck. The results of the work will contribute to the creation of recommendations for the transportation of wagons on ferries. The research can contribute to safe transportation of wagons by ferries, and higher e ciency of the combined transportation