Оценивание региональных инновационных процессов на основе сравнения региональной структуры показателей.

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The article draws attention to regional innovation processes as key objects of state regulation. The problem of determining the degree of influence of certain groups of infrastructural support of regional innovation processes on the latter is considered. The aim of the article is to justify the methodological approach for assessing regional innovation processes and their infrastructure support based on the differentiation of the regional structure of indicators that have a causal relationship with the processes under study. This methodological approach allows not only to identify the relationship between the studied indicators, but also to determine the degree of influence of individual groups of infrastructural support of regional innovation processes on the latter. The method is based on the hypothesis that the features of the development of these processes in different regions differ. These features are due to the specifics of the regions, another combination of influencing factors, including state regulation of regional authorities. An analysis of the regional development of the processes under study by comparing the regional structure of indicators allows us to better identify many cause-effect relationships. Using the proposed methodological approach allows us to improve the state regulation of the studied processes.



regional innovation processes, regional structure of indicators, infrastructural support of regional innovation processes, method for comparing regional structures


Моргачёв, И. В. (2020). Оценивание региональных инновационных процессов на основе сравнения региональной структуры показателей. East European Scientific Journal, № 1(53), Т. 5, 37-40. URL: https://eesa-journal.com/2020/02/18/ocenivanie-regionalnyx-innovacionnyx-processov-na-osnove-sravneniya-regionalnoj-struktury-pokazatelej-37-40/