ДН-01-17 «Створення багатофункціональних наукомістких методів енергетичного керування інженерією поверхонь контакту «колесо-рейка» для забезпечення еколого-ефективної передачі потужності»

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    Peculiarities of the mathematical modelling of dynamic loading on containers in flat wagons transportation.
    (2019) Fomin, O. V.; Gerlici, J.; Lovskaya, A.; Kravchenko, K.; Burlutski, O.; Hauser, V.
    The study deals with a shunting impact of 13-4085 wagon platform to a TK25 tank container. In order to define the loads acting on the container frame, 3D computer models of the 1СС size container is designed, both version – for liquid and dry material transport. The virtual model consider a longitudinal force from the wagon automatic coupling, vertical and horizontal forces from the wagon – containers interaction and also vertical forces of the container fittings. For checking adequacy of the created models, the container acceleration values was obtained in two scenarios. In the first case, when fittings are aligned relative to the fitting spots of a wagon, thus without possibility of relative movement. In the second case, movement within clearance of fitting spots is possible. Mathematical models of dynamic loads on these structures were solved by MathCad. Differential equations were solved by the Runge – Kutta method. Adequacy of the created models was checked with an F-test. On the basis of conducted calculation can be conclude that the hypothesis on the adequacy of the models was not rejected.
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    Research of possibilities of reducing the driving resistance of a railway vehicle by means of the wheel construction improvement.
    (2019) Mikhailov, E.; Semenov, S.; Dižo, J.; Kravchenko, K.
    The paper contains results of research of the driving resistance reducing of a railway vehicle by the modification of a railway wheel construction. The perspective railway wheel construction allows the possibility of the relative rotation of the guiding and supporting wheel surface. Based on current research of experts and specialists in the field of the railway transport and taking into account existing requirements and standards several technical solutions of such a wheel are developed. There are also presented results of stress and strain analyses of these technical solutions. Based on obtained data it is possible to conclude that proposed construction solutions meet requirements for the safety factor.
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    Reducing the wheel-rail system wear intensity with thermomechanical impact.
    (2019) Gorbunov, M. I.; Kovtanets, M.; Bureika, G.; Kovtanets, T.
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    Conceptual basis of thermo-controllability in railway braking tribo pairs.
    (2019) Gorbunov, M. I.; Fomin, O. V.; Prosvirova, O. V.; Prokopenko, P. M.
    Nowadays, the problem of insufficient braking power is solved by increasing the number of friction pairs, resulting in an increase in resource and labor intensity, unsprung mass, resistance to movement, and low resource efficiency. Also acute is the problem of reducing the noise level when using friction brakes. The analysis of the problems of existing brake equipment led to the choice of a promising direction of research on the effectiveness of braking ‒ control of the temperature of the brake friction surfaces. Purpose. To create a method for increasing the efficiency of the braking system by controlling the cooling of the friction surfaces by adaptive air supply; to create a mathematical model of air pressure supply to the brake frictional contact in order to obtain the optimal diameter of friction lining holes and the air feed rate. Methodology. During the research, the analysis of leading modern studies and patents of technical solutions aimed at improving the frictional properties of brake devices, methods of decision-making theory and expert evaluation of methods for improving the operational characteristics of railway braking systems is conducted. Mathematical modeling of air pressure supply to the zone of relevant frictional contact is applied. Findings. A concept of adaptive energy consumption management at self-ventilation of a brake disc plate using the improved mathematical model which considers geometric parameters of air courses. A method for assessing the influence of the factors on brake equipment operation while supplying the compressed air to the frictional contact is suggested. Originality. The mathematical model of air pressure supply to brake frictional contact is developed in order to obtain the optimal diameter of the friction lining holes. Application of the suggested technique for cooling will allow advancing efficiency of operation of frictional braking elements of rolling stock, increasing the adhesive coefficient, stabilizing the temperature in the tribo-contact, decreasing the wear of brake surfaces of friction and increasing safety of operation. Practical value. As a result of the conducted research complex, the method of adaptive forced cooling of the friction surfaces of the brake was proposed and scientifically substantiated for the first time, which will provide effective characteristics of the cooling process, will allow reducing significantly the dependence of the coefficient of friction on the temperature in the contact zone of the working elements during braking. The application of the proposed developments will allow: - using the compressed air, which is drawn from the brake cylinders, effectively; - cooling the contact area of “brake pad ‒ wheel”, “brake pad ‒ disk”, by supplying compressed cooled air into the holes of the brake pad or formation in the contact zone of the active gaseous medium; - increasing braking efficiency and reducing the intensity of wear of the brake pads due to the timely removal of friction wear from the contact area; - increasing the rail traffic safety by enhancing the reliability of braking.
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    Study of rail vehicles movement characteristics improvement in curves using fuzzy logic mechatronic systems.
    (2019) Kapitsa, M.; Mikhailov, E.; Kliuiev, S.; Semenov, S.; Kovtanets, M.
    The article deals with the effectiveness of reducing the level of force interaction of the rail vehicle wheels with rails in curved sections of the track through the use of mechatronic position control systems for wheel pairs in the rail gauge in the horizontal plane. The approaches to the creation of such a mechatronic system operating on the principles of fuzzy logic are described. To determine the angles of attack of wheels on the rails, it was proposed to use the acoustic emission indicators of the contact of the wheel with the rail. To determine the direction of curvature of the rail track, it is advisable to use data from navigation systems. The study of the dynamics of the rail vehicle during the passage of a curved section of the track in real time was carried out using the Matlab/Simulink software package. The proposed mechatronic control system for the position of the wheel sets in the horizontal plane allows to ensure their optimal installation under various driving conditions in the rail gauge. This makes it possible to minimize the angles of attack of the wheels and reduce the forces of the horizontal interaction of the wheels with the rails.
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    Experimental study of the influence of friction surfaces cooling parameters on the efficiency of the braking system of a railway vehicle operation.
    (2018) Gorbunov, M. I.; Prosvirova, O.; Kovtanets, M.; Nozhenko, V.; Bureika, G.; Skrickij, V.
    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of cooling frictional surfaces on the efficiency of the braking system by experimentally determining the coefficient of friction and the temperature of the interacting surfaces under different methods and regimes of cooling. Experimental research established that the mathematical model of the disc brake thermophysical characteristics, which takes into account the adaptive cooling system, ensures a satisfactory match of the results of calculations to experimental data; the discrepancy does not exceed 10-12%. Analysis of the experimental data obtained allows concluding that adaptive cooling of the brake friction surfaces has a positive effect on the braking efficiency. Thus, the coefficient of friction when using this system is 15-30% higher, depending on the performance and temperature of the cooling air, than without its use. The average integral temperature of surfaces in frictional interaction is lower by average of 20-30% compared to the case when adaptive cooling is not used.
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    Creation of the image of the new generation freight car bogie.
    (2018) Gorbunov, M. I.; Kara, S.; Nozhenko, O.; Fomin, O.; Vaičiūnas, G.; Petrenko, V.
    Analysis of the operating problems of freight car bogies are carried out, analysis of the reasons for low dynamic qualities, which do not allow to increase the speed of movement. The main directions of the development of the bogies constructions are substantiated. The image of the new generation freight car bogie is formulated based on analysis, ideas of car building projects using the method of intellectual decision support. Concept image and patented technical solutions for implementation are solving the problem of minimizing the weight of the bogie (increasing of coefficient of mass utilization) by using a modular design, application of elastic-damping structures, prestressed state of structural elements. Technical solutions improve the strength characteristic and dynamic properties of the freight car bogies on the basis of the above principles of engineering.
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    Development of the theory and methodology of controlling the local tribological contact thermomechanical loading.
    (2018) Gorbunov, M. I.; Kovtanets, M.; Kostyukevich, A.; Nozhenko, V.; Vaičiūnas, G.; Steišūnas, S.
    Theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out, which confirmed the fact that the contact temperature is the most important factor affecting the entire complex of service properties of the contacting materials. The authors of the paper propose the control of the frictional interaction of the tribological contact by controlling the temperature by forced cooling, which will stabilize the coefficient of engagement of the wheel with the rail.
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    Theory and practice of the innovative spring suspension design for locomotive to improve its traction and dynamic characteristics.
    (2018) Gorbunov, M. I.; Kravchenko, K.; Kara, S.; Gerlici, J.; Bureika, G.; Steišūnas, S.
    This paper deals with the methods and techniques of the locomotive dynamic characteristics improvement, decrease in force impact on the track, minimizing tire and rail wear by secondary suspension improvement. Based on the calculations carried out using the created mathematical models and experimental research, there are proposed series of construction solutions of the supporting and returning devices with rational characteristics, which allow improving traction characteristics of the locomotive and reducing its dynamic impact on the track in vertical as well as in horizontal planes, on the straight track as well as on the curved track. Moreover, the proposed solution can provide the locomotive body with the centering function relative to the bogie. The proposed body to bogie connection was tested using a special test stand and in operating conditions. According to the test results, the proposed construction of body to bogie connection can ensure the required rigidity and damping characteristics due to the design optimization.
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    Research to improve traction and dynamic quality of locomotives
    (2017) Gorbunov, M. I.; Pistek, V.; Kovtanets, M.; Nozhenko, O.; Kara, S.; Kučera, P.
    The article reviews and analyzes available theoretical and experimental studies aimed at improving the tractive and dynamic characteristics of locomotives. Based on the information received, the authors formulated the following tasks of further research to increase and stabilize traction and coupling qualities of the locomotive.