Communication of Scientific and Tech-nological Systems with Regional Innovative Processes.


The aim of the work is to clarify the interconnection of the regional concentration of innovation activity of economic entities with the regional concentration of scientific and technical systems in Ukraine. The scientific and technical systems of Ukraine are the infrastructure of innovation and investment activity of its industrial enterprises. The results of the correlation analysis allowed on the macro level to reveal the interconnection of the innovation activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine with its scientific and technical systems. While the meso-use of the method of comparing regional structures by calculating deviations did not allow to reveal of the significant link between the regional concentration of innovation activity and the regional concentration of all types of scientific and technical systems. The relevant relationship was found only with organizations on the sphere of engineering. In addition, a higher level of interconnection of innovation activities of industrial enterprises and organizations on the sphere of engineering was revealed and by the results of correlation analysis at the macro level. Clarification of the higher role of organizations of the sphere of engineering in the innovation activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine allows us to revise and clarify priorities regarding the objects of influence in the state regulation in the direction.




Morhachov, I., Buzko, I., Ovcharenko, Ie., Tkachenko, N. (2019). Communication of Scientific and Tech-nological Systems with Regional Innovative Processes. Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019), 6th International Conference on Strategies, Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, vol. 95, 395-399. doi :